
Education news, analysis, and opinion about effective school and district leadership
School Climate & Safety School Dress Codes Often Target Girls. What Happens When Male Teachers Have to Enforce Them?
Male teachers say the task can put them in a risky and uncomfortable position.
11 min read
School & District Management The Average U.S. School Building Dates Back to the End of the Vietnam War
New federal data highlight widely varying ages and offerings in school buildings nationwide.
4 min read
Families & the Community Opinion Chronic Absenteeism Has Exploded. What Can Schools Do?
The key to addressing this issue is rebuilding the relationship between families and schools.
8 min read
Student Well-Being How Social Media May Benefit Teens' Mental Health
In an interview, a researcher outlines some of the less-discussed benefits teens get from their online activity.
4 min read
Internet And Social Media Speech Bubbles Concept
DigitalVision Vectors
School & District Management Most Superintendents Try to Avoid Politics. This Group Encourages Them to Lean In
Superintendents increasingly face politically tricky situations. A new collaborative hopes to support them.
3 min read
Illustration of person riding a unicycle on a tightrope over shark infested waters.
DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
School & District Management Superintendent of the Year Focuses on How to ‘Do More’ in Minnesota
The 2024 winner of the national honor didn't want to spend pandemic relief funds "in the way that we’ve always spent our money."
2 min read
Joe Gothard, superintendent of St. Paul Public Schools stands for a portrait at Como Park High School in St. Paul, Minn., on Aug. 21, 2021, where new federal school funding will help to hire staff, buy books and be used for building renovations.
Joe Gothard, superintendent of St. Paul Public Schools stands for a portrait at Como Park High School in St. Paul, Minn., on Aug. 21, 2021. Gothard was named the 2024 National Superintendent of the Year on Thursday by AASA, The School Superintendents' Association.
Andy Clayton-King/AP
Student Well-Being Q&A A Teachers' Guide for Managing Climate Anxiety in the Classroom
Experts share research-backed tips for teachers on how to respond to students' complicated feelings about climate change.
9 min read
Kid looking worried with a globe in background.


Jobs Virtual Career Fair for Teachers and K-12 Staff
Find teaching jobs and other jobs in K-12 education at the EdWeek Top School Jobs virtual career fair.
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Mathematics Webinar
What is it About Math? Making Math Figure-Out-Able
Join Pam Harris for an engaging session challenging how we approach math, resulting in real world math that is “figure-out-able” for anyone.
Content provided by hand2mind
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Science of Reading: Emphasis on Language Comprehension
Dive into language comprehension through a breakdown of the Science of Reading with an interactive demonstration.
Content provided by Be GLAD

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Student Achievement Whitepaper
Break Through MTSS Implementation Barriers Using Our Guide
You've identified students who aren't at grade level and have supports for them in place, but that doesn't guarantee success.
Content provided by n2y
Equity & Diversity Spotlight Spotlight on Inclusion & Equity
This Spotlight will help you examine disparities in districts’ top positions, the difference between equity and equality, and more.
Reading & Literacy Spotlight Spotlight on Early Childhood Literacy
This Spotlight will help you analyze early literacy gains from tutoring, learn how science of reading can boost achievement, and more.
Reading & Literacy Spotlight Spotlight on The Science of Reading
This Spotlight will help you review the key components for reading comprehension, California’s approach to align teacher prep, and more.

EdWeek Top School Jobs

Superintendent, Pueblo School District No. 60
Pueblo, Colorado
Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates
Director of Facilities
Warminster, Pennsylvania
Bucks County Intermediate Unit #22
Superintendent, Barrington Public Schools
Barrington, Rhode Island
Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates
Superintendent, Neenah Joint School District
Neenah, Wisconsin
Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates