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English-Language Learners Webinar

English Learners and the Science of Reading: What Works in the Classroom

Mon., March 04, 2024, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET
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In one corner of the “science of reading” debates, two groups have struck a truce.

The Reading League, an organization that advocates for the science of reading, and the National Committee for Effective Literacy, a group that promotes literacy development for English learners, reached common ground in a joint statement on best practices for reading instruction for EL and emergent bilingual students.

In this webinar, Education Week will speak with representatives from both organizations about how they developed this consensus document, and how the practices they’ve outlined can be used to inform school district priorities and teachers’ instruction.

Martha Hernandez
Executive Director, Californians Together
Kari Kurto
Director of the National Science of Reading Project, The Reading League
Sarah Schwartz
Staff Writer Education Week

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Join Pam Harris for an engaging session challenging how we approach math, resulting in real world math that is “figure-out-able” for anyone.
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Science of Reading: Emphasis on Language Comprehension
Dive into language comprehension through a breakdown of the Science of Reading with an interactive demonstration.
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